

  • Male
  • About 2 years old
  • Breed: Mixed Bully
  • Weighs about 60 lbs
  • Neutered
  • UTD on vaccines & monthly prevention
  • Heartworm negative
  • Microchipped



Hey there, I’m Diablo. Life’s been a bit of a rollercoaster for me lately, and I’m really hoping to find that special someone who can help me off this wild ride and into a place where I can finally feel safe.

I came to this shelter as a stray with my brother, and while he found his forever home, I’m still here, trying to figure it all out. The truth is, this place is really tough for me. All the noise and chaos make it hard for me to relax, and I keep my guard up because, well, it’s the only way I know how to stay safe. But let me tell you a secret—I’m just a big ham at heart. All I want is to be loved, to feel secure, and to know that someone’s got my back.

I know I’m a bit of a challenge. I’m fear-reactive and I’ve got some anxiety issues, but if you’ve got the experience and patience, I promise I’ll give you all the love I’ve got. I need someone who understands that it might take a little time for me to let my guard down, but once I do, you’ll see the real me—a boy with a heart of gold who just wants to be your best friend.

If you’re that special person who can help me feel safe, I’m ready to give you all my love. Will you be the one to show me what the good life is?

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