

  • Male
  • 3-4 years
  • Breed: Labrador mix
  • Weighs about 50 lbs
  • UTD on vaccines & monthly prevention
  • Heartworm negative
  • Microchipped



Hello world! The name is Duke and I’m looking for love!

I was found as a stray near the shelter back March wearing a harness and leash. The staff was certain I’d be reclaimed because I had obviously been someone’s companion…but no one ever came. I’m not sure why my people never came back for me or bothered calling to look for me. I really am a good boy with a big heart.

In the last few months I’ve been at FDHS I’ve made great friends with the staff members. They take care of my daily needs and try to give me all the extra attention they can. Although I really like my care-takers, it’s not the same as having a home of my own.

I’m not a picky fellow! Just give me some chin scratches and a place to take a nap and I’m good. I’m a pretty low-key dog and I don’t require a ton of attention or maintenance like a puppy. I’m excellent in my kennel and do great in the fenced yard. I love to wander around and smell all the good smells, I really think I’d enjoy a home where I get to spend time exploring on leash outdoors.

As for other dogs, I don’t seem to mind the calmer females. The rowdy boys do tend to get me a little worked up, but I could potentially live with most other dogs with proper introductions and a slow approach. I’m friendly with all people and no behavioral issues have been noted. I have yet to be tested with cats.

I really am a super good boy and I’m so excited to meet my fur-ever person!

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